The board and internal committee Election

The election process started at 08:30 by the registration of Valuers on arrival. and there were welcomed by the chairperson of IRPV and she also welcomed the chairperson of IRPV Electoral committee to explain and go through the election guidelines and the whole election Process.

All candidates, starting to the position of the Chairperson position, were given time to introduce themselves and present their manifesto briefly in front of the audience

The election process started at 10:50 AM and closed at 12:30 AM. The election took place in a very organized way and in a very peaceful environment.
For the sake of transparency and reconciliation, where necessary, voters were grouped in four
lists arranged per alphabetic order;
Members on each group voted in their own polling booth and casted votes in their own urn
Electoral committee members supervised the process and all were done as planned.

Votes were counted starting from the junior position (Committee members) and ended by the Chairperson.

The process of votes counting was carried out by 5 persons: the first read the names of voted
candidate, the second cut the paper from the ballot booklet, the third verified the cut ballot paper,
followed by the fourth who recorded the vote and last who dumped the ballot paper.

The Chairperson of the Electoral Committee announced the results and the following persons

were elected as per each position:

  1. Board Chairperson: MUGISHA John
  2. Vice-Chairperson : TWAHIRWA Herbert
  3. Treasurer: ABAYO Emmanuella
  4. Board Secretary: INGABIRE Yvette (unique candidate)
  5. Head of Research and Reference Prices Committee: DUSENGIMANA Jean Bosco
    (unique candidate)
  6. Head of Disciplinary Committee: NIYONGOMBWA Phocas
  7. Head of CPD and Membership Committee: KWITONDA Armand

The Electoral Committee Chairperson thanked everyone for their attention and for the smooth
election process and invited the outgoing IRPV Board Chairperson, who manifested
congratulated the IRPV Board Chairperson Elect and thanked the Electoral Committee for a great
job well done and excellently organized elections. She closed by wishing well the new Board of
Directors elect.
The Chairperson Elect expressed his gratitude to the Electoral Committee for a smooth running of
election. He also thanked the Valuers for the trust invested in him.
John Kalamagye, on behalf of Council Chairperson, expressed his appreciation to the Electoral
Committee for a well and organized elections.
He congratulated the elected Board Members and Committee members for their commitment to
serve IRPV for the development of valuation profession. He promised the Board Elect a good
collaboration with Council.
He finally thanked and appreciated the outgoing Board for a great job well done during their term.